Notice is hereby given that the 59th Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Election of Council Members 2025 - 2027 of the Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) will be held on:
Date & day: 28 March 2025, Friday
Time: 7.00pm (Registration will be done at 6:15pm)
Venue: 126 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown Network Hub Level 2, Singapore 189772
*Refreshments will be provided
Kindly RSVP latest by 26 March 2025 for your attendance at AGM Meeting by registering on this link. A confirmation email will be sent to registrants.
Assistant Honorary Secretary
Ms Angelina Chua, MSHRI
Please be informed of the above comprising the following:
President and Seventeen other Council Members on 28 March 2025.
At the first meeting of the elected Council, the duly elected President shall then appoint the following office bearers:
1. Three Vice Presidents
2. The Honorary Secretary
3. The Assistant Honorary Secretary
4. The Honorary Treasurer
5. The Assistant Honorary Treasurer
We would like to bring your attention to Article IV clauses 2(a)(i), (ii), (b)(i), (c)(i), Article V clause 3(b) and Article VI clauses 2(a)(i), (ii), (iii), (b), (c) of the Constitution regarding elections which stipulate as follows:
2. Rights and Privileges of Members
a) Any Accredited Professional member or Professional member who is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident shall:
i. have the right to propose or second an applicant for Associate membership, nominate or second a candidate for election and stand for elections
ii. have the right to speak and vote at general meetings of the institute
b) Student, Associate and Honorary Life members shall:
i. have all the rights and privileges and benefits of Professional membership except the right conferred on Professional members under Article 2 a)(i) above and the right to vote at general meetings of the Institute
c) Social members shall:
i. be admitted into the recreational facilities and premises of the Institute but shall not be admitted into the rights and privileges of the Student, Associate, Professional or Honorary Life members as stated in Article IV 2(a) and 2(b) above
3. Arrears of Subscription
b) A Professional member who is in arrears of subscription shall not be eligible to propose or second an application for membership, nominate or second a candidate for election, stand for elections, vote in elections, vote at general meetings of the Institute or enjoy any other rights of a member.
a) A candidate for election to the Council:
i. must be proposed and seconded by two Accredited Professional members or Professional members of the Institute;
ii. must have been a member of the Institute for at least 12 months before nomination;
iii. shall not have any criminal record nor is an undischarged bankrupt,
b) The name of the candidate must be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary and every candidate for election shall signify in writing, his consent to his nomination.
c) The list of candidates for election shall be closed seven consecutive days before the date of the annual general meeting.
Nomination Process for Council Members 2025 โ 2027:
1. Requesting of Nomination Form:
ยท All the Nomination forms are to be collected by proposer or representative (with an authorized letter given by proposer) from SHRI Secretariat by email request to Membership team: no later than 10:00am, 18 March 2025.
ยท Verification and recording of NRIC no. is mandatory upon the facilitation (by email) of nomination form
2. Submission of Nomination Form:
ยท The completed form, with signatures of the Proposer, Seconder and Nominee, has to be submitted to SHRI Secretariat by emailing no later than 5pm, 18 March 2025.
ยท A scanned copy of NRIC (front and back) of Proposer and Nominee is mandatory for submission.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Honorary Secretary
Ms. Charmaine Sim, MSHRI
Appendix A - Proposed Constitution Changes
Please click on the link for the proposed changes for SHRI Constitution.
Members are kindly urged to renew their membership prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Please reach out to Membership Team at
Thank you.
Guoco Midtown Network Hub
126 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown Network Hub Level 2, Singapore 189772
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