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Event Details

In partnership with SHRI, the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) Foundation aims to bridge the hiring organisations with the untapped resources in the community.

EMPOWER Circles is a peer learning platform to forge understanding on progressive hiring practices to fulfil manpower needs and support the employability of vulnerable individuals to enter or re-enter the workforce. Join us in the series of 3 conversations, to find out how vulnerable individuals can be empowered with employment; how progressive hiring practices help in sustaining employment; and how the resource pipeline can be tapped while the social service agencies support their other needs and prepare them for employment.


  1. To create awareness on empowering vulnerable individuals through employment
  2. To promote progressive hiring practices that enable sustainable employment
  3. To bridge HR professionals with partners for the untapped talent pipeline

Conversation: Women Faced with Challenges

Balancing work and caregiving responsibilities for low-income mothers

62% outside the workforce are women, with family responsibilities as the top reason for keeping them away from work1

"Successful mothers are not the ones that have never struggled. They are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles." โ€“ Sharon Jaynes

Session highlights:

  • Employment landscape for low-income women
  • Job coaches' experiences on creating opportunities for mothers to return to work and sustain employment
  • Sharing and discussion on what works for companies in adopting progressive hiring practices

Presented by: Daughters Of Tomorrow

Empowering Women, Enabling Families. Daughters Of Tomorrow (DOT) mission is to facilitate livelihood opportunities for underprivileged women and support them in achieving financial independence and social mobility for their families. They serve women from low-income families who are also women who face limitations on access to employment due to caregiving responsibilities, lack of flexible employment practices, focused training, and skills-enhancement. DOT comes in to complement existing training and workforce-related agencies by connecting community resources to enable each woman on an individual level.

1. Labour Force in Singapore, 2021 Edition, ยฉManpower Research and Statistics Department, Ministry of Manpower

May 31, 2022

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM GMT+8
