Event Details
Notice is hereby given that the 54th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI), which will be held on:
Date & day: 31 March 2020, Tuesday
Time: 7.00pm (Registration will be done online at 6:15pm)
This AGM will conducted virtually due to current restrictions on the number of attendees in a gathering.
Participants are able to attend the meeting via video call.
Link to join AGM video call:https://bit.ly/2wFrMfC
Meeting password: SHRI54AGM
Upon clicking the link, refer to this guide: https://bit.ly/2wMoo2C
Once you are accepted in the video call, please enter your name, SHRI membership ID in the chat box (as per in the given guide) as verification.
**A gentle reminder to all members to renew their membership as soon as possible so as to participate in AGM scheduled on 31 March 2020.
- Opening Address by President
- To confirm the Minutes of the 53rd AGM held on 20 March 2019
- To discuss any matters arising from the Minutes of the 53rd AGM
- To receive and adopt the 54th Annual Report of the Executive Council for the period 20 March 2019 to 31 March 2020
- To receive and adopt the Financial Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 as certified by the auditors
- To re-appoint Auditors for FY2020
- To transact any other matter of which notice in writing has been given to the Honorary Secretary at least seven consecutive days before the meeting. Kindly email to Honorary Secretary, Ms Lucy Tan @ lucytan@natsteel.com.sg and cc SHRI Secretariat office, Ms Lennette Koh @ lennettekoh@shri.org.sg
Honorary Secretary
Ms Lucy Tan, MSHRI
Click hereโ to download the Notice of AGM and Agenda
Click hereโ to download the SHRI Constitution
Click here to download the Financial Report
Click here to download the Annual Report